Power Virtual Agents Analytics

Quarantine Chat Bot: How Did it Go?

This week I have talked through a few lessons I've learned related to Power Virtual Agents. We started building a bot as virtual daughter for my parents and it has sentiment analysis, approval flows and so much more. Today I am going to show you the final piece - seeing what is happening in the … Continue reading Quarantine Chat Bot: How Did it Go?

Power Virtual Agents Appointment

Quarantine Chat Bot: Set up an Appointment

I have been talking through how I created a chat bot that I built using Power Virtual Agents to talk to my quarantined parents. We have already looked at how to get started and how to use sentiment analysis to customize responses. Today we are going to set up an appointment! Before getting the scheduling … Continue reading Quarantine Chat Bot: Set up an Appointment

Power Virtual Agent Free Form Text Capture

Quarantine Chat Bot: Sentiment Analysis

Yesterday, I started talking about how I built a chat bot to talk to my parents during this quarantine. We got started by setting up the environment, provisioning the bot, editing the greeting messages, and adding our first question. Now, we are going to add a few more brains into the operation! I wanted the … Continue reading Quarantine Chat Bot: Sentiment Analysis

Power Virtual Agent Greeting

Quarantine Chat Bot: Let’s Build a Virtual Agent!

In these odd days of quarantine, I have spent a lot of time talking to my parents to convince them to stay home or just finding ways to keep them entertained. My mom loves this quarantine life and never has a need to leave but my dad is a bit of a different story. So, … Continue reading Quarantine Chat Bot: Let’s Build a Virtual Agent!