App in a Day Training Recap

I was recently able to attend the App in a Day training at the Hitachi Customer Conference. This was a great day of learning and I would definitely recommend it to others.

The course walks through everything you need to know in order to build a Canvas App, a Model Driven App with a Business Process Flow, a Flow with Approval and a Power BI Dashboard.

It was great to be able to play with all of these features and the experience was greatly improved by having access to in-person experts available to help you through the process.

I wanted to share a few screenshots of the things I built to encourage you to take the class yourself. You can see all the classes available in your area here.

Note that it did take me a bit longer than the allotted class time to finish some of these items. The step-by-step instructions are yours to take home so you can finish at your own pace. The instructions also did not tell me how to turn everything PINK!

Fine print: All screenshots are my own but are based on the step-by-step instructions from Microsoft and provided to me by Hitachi Solutions.

Power BI Dashboard for comparing different types of computers that can be requested by an employee
Canvas PowerApp that filters devices by manufacturer and allows you to select the one you like.
Compare details of these items and then submit the request.
Confirmation screen
Confirmation of the request. All of this data was written to CDS was the previous form was submitted.
Flow Approval Email
Flow sends Approval email for manager to approve or reject. This data is written back to CDS and emails the user.
Those fulfilling these requests work from the Model-Driven App using a Business Process Flow to manage the steps needed. Oh and there are a few calculated fields in there too.
Power BI Dashboard
Finally you can pull everything together with a Power BI Dashboard!

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