Hero Insights: Introduction

As you may know, I like to find random use cases and then create a series of blogs to learn new technologies (such as #PowerPizza to learn Power Apps). I have been wanting to learn about Microsoft’s Customer Insights and trying to think of good data sets to test this functionality on.

I discovered there is this cool Google Dataset Search where you can search for data on almost anything and filter to find free sources. Through this search, I discovered Kaggle and began to pick out data sets from there.

The Idea

I found several really cool data sets focused on comic books and superheroes. This is not necessarily my area of expertise but I do have a consultant (the hubby) who has been helping me on the matter.

Here are my goals:

  1. Get some (but not all) data into Dynamics 365 / CDS
  2. Make the records in Dynamics 365 have images because it will be cool
  3. Integrate this data into Customer Insights and along with other data sets
  4. Unify all this data
  5. Figure out what segments and measures are
You may wonder what qualifies my hubby to be a consultant on the matter of super heroes. Well he is an official part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as shown here.


Here are the data sets I will be working with:

  • Super Heroes Dataset – This is my primary data set which I will use to populate the Accounts and Contacts within Dynamics. Additionally we will map the Powers information directly into Customer Insights.
  • Marvel Comic Data – We will add this information to Customer Insights.
  • Complete Superhero Dataset – This will also go straight into Customer Insights so we can merge with some of the Dynamics data.

Hopefully you’re excited enough to check back tomorrow for the first installment! If you are catching up later, you can view all of these posts on the Hero Insights page!

P.S. I am not a Customer Insights expert but if you want to learn more Gaurav Chauhan will be speaking at my virtual CRMUGDC meeting coming up on June 24, 2020. His topic is What is Customer Insights? so any questions I can’t answer, I’m sure he can! Check out the details and get registered!

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