February 26 Blog Review

Let’s jump right in to this blog review!
PowerObjects shared Five Awesome Benefits of Parature, from Microsoft. This talks about some of the features of Parature so you can figure out if it would work for your organization.
CRM Tip of the Day answered a great question – Why don’t I get all of my characters? This explains why large text fields do not hold the number of characters you expect them to.
For those who have ever been curious about what a being a CRM MVP means check out Jamie Miley’s post – An Insider’s Overview of Microsoft’s MVP Program. This talks about what you need to do to become an MVP and the benefits of that status.
Sonoma Partners shared several great blogs that should be discussed. First of all, Performance Considerations for Creating Custom Reports in CRM. This talks about some things to keep in mind when creating SSRS reports to ensure they have optimal performance. Side note: if you want to learn how to create SSRS Reports, check out the CRMUGDC Presentation from February 24.
Secondly, they posted on How to Get Your Executives to Pay Attention to CRM. This is crucial because you need your executives to support CRM so that they can mandate and drive user adoption!
Finally, check out Microsoft Convergence Morphs into Two Conferences. This helps clear up any confusion about the changes and let you know your options when choosing which events to attend in the future.

That’s all for today!

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